About ME

Nobre Arte Boxing Academy in the Cantgalo Favela
Photo by Dan Behrer 

My name is Nico. I'm a girl, despite what the name may indicate and the fact that I spend the majority of my time surrounded by men.

So like I said, my name is Nico. I used to be a graduate student and a full time teacher in Washington, D.C., but I gave all of that up to come live and train in Brazil.

In an effort to improve my ground game and go pro in MMA, I took a break from Muay Thai and MMA training and moved to Rio de Janeiro to experience the "Jiu Jitsu lifestyle".

Now, I live Cantagalo Favela and work with 5x World Champion, Fernando Terere. Together we started Terere Kids Project, a social project that provides free jiu jitsu lessons, sponsorship, and English lessons for the kids at of Cantagalo/ Pavao/ Pavaozinho (PPG).

After 5 months of Jiu Jitsu 3x a day, I finally got back into MMA. Now I train and fight out of Parana Vale Tudo (PRVT). 

I hope you enjoy. 


  1. Greet and Salutation, my hommie Tavares told me that you're going to the ADCC in Sao Paulo and then will be in Rio when we get there. Nice to meet you

    1. Hey nice to hear from you. I'm not going to be able to make it to Sao Paulo but I will be in Rio! Nice to meet you as well! Your gonna love Brazil!
